I dedicate this post to Claire Kingston for her birthday, an amazing girl who deserves the best. May the man that wins your heart woo you with words as rich as Solomon's and give you lots of XOXOXOXOXOXOXXOXOXOXOX's
To see the secret birthday message above, highlight the pink lines.
But not your soul. That would be blasphemous.
If you don't know, "Song of Songs" is a book in the Bible written by King Solomon, a guy God gave the gift of wisdom. I don't question the fact that he was wise just because his pick-up lines were odd, I question the woman he was writing to. Either the female sex in Biblical times was easily flattered or this girl was one of a kind. Here is a good commentary if you're interested: http://www.westarkchurchofchrist.org/library/songofsongs.htm. It's actually a beautiful love story of a girl who has to choose between a king who only wants her for her body but who can give her anything, and a shepherd who truly loves her. And it makes for some attention-grabbing, horrendously original pick-up lines.
This video is credited to Luke Taylor for bringing it to my attention. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
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