I'm all grown up now. I am not only 25 and no longer living with my parents (whether I am going to be after Auxano is besides the point), I now have my full license (the fact that I still had my N is also besides the point). I'm sitting in my room eating a watermelon lollipop as a reward. And no, I do not see a contradiction between the first sentence and eating a watermelon lollipop as a reward. I tried to do the grown-up thing and get something from Starbucks but my tea just ended up burning my tongue for two days. So there you go. Lollipops beat Starbucks. I'm surprised I passed my road test - I was incredibly tired, plus it was raining like the dickens and I wasn't used to the brakes on the car I was using. Luckily I know the universal braking system (put foot on brake and press down) so we didn't die. I told the examiner all about Auxano but I wasn't quite willing to go into detail about why he needed Jesus because you know, I wanted to pass. Is that wrong? He put a smiley face in the notes section on my test. I'm guessing a sad face meant you failed but I can't be sure.
A lot has happened at Auxano. For instance, on Halloween I dressed up as a fairy godmother and Shayla and I pranced around
camp saying, "I'm a beautiful
butterfly!" with a British accent. Then I granted everyone a wish with my tinfoil wand. I think
it was obvious to everyone that a tinfoil wand was not going to be doing anyone any favors so some of the magic may have been lost, but
you have no idea how happy it made me. Or maybe you
do. It made me really, really happy. We recently read the book
Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream by David Platt. Mr. Andy Renton himself, camp director and road-test-car-loaner, led the study on the book. I know, you're thinking I must be pretty important to have such an 'in' that the camp director would let me borrow his car to take my road test, but that's just because you are forgetting my important title up here, "RA," which as I was recently informed stands for "Really Awesome." I don't think that's true though. I think it's supposed to stand for "Real Advisory." The book
is pretty challenging. David Platt has a huge church in the States and has started a movement in his church to live like Jesus actually says we should live.
All the Auxano students including the RA's (the "Really Awesome's") came up with one radical thing we are going to do for a year, along with reading the
Bible and praying for the world one country at a time (you can follow along with the other thousands of Christians doing the same thing here: The Radical Experiment). Some of our radical things are not buying clothes for a year and giving the money to a charity, or for every dollar we spend giving the same amount away; some of us are starting a specific ministry we feel called to - whatever it is, we have been challenged to give what is uncomfortable to give. It is easy to give out of your excess. It's when you give like the poor woman who gave all she had that at the end of your life God will say, "Well done, good and faithful servant." I don't know about you, but right now I'm afraid God would probably say something more like, "Well, you know, better luck next time. Oh snap! There is no next time. Because you're dead."
Sometimes I can be a bit callous.

What else? We go to a church in Duncan called New Life and after church we volunteer on the native reserve at a program called Kidzone. An inspiring young couple lead it
and they've seen some pretty amazing results. The parents and grandparents who once wouldn't let their children go have started trusting that they really are there for one thing only: to show love to these kids. Not only that but the police have confirmed that the incredibly high number of calls they receive from that area for gang violence, drugs and abuse have gone down. I feel so blessed that we, the Auxano students and I, get the
opportunity to take part in something so special. The kids
we get to play with are amazing. I have this feeling when I'm there
like, "This is what I was created for." Plus, I get to basically play and color pictures. Mostly I
go for the coloring. I've been making friendship bracelets for the
Auxano students and it brings me a lot of joy to see my masterpieces on
their wrists, especially when I know the truth: they are not actually
masterpieces. But they wear them anyway. Why? Because they were made with
L-O-V-E. And love beats lollipops. And Starbucks. And Battlestar Galactica
P.S. You wouldn't believe it but last night Matt and Shayla let me cut
their hair. I somehow managed to convince them that I was a skilled hairdresser (I've cut
my dad's hair once or twice and my friend's hair once). For some reason I
felt bizarrely confident, or incredibly uncaring I don't quite know.
Either way the fact that an important part of what they look like was in
my hands didn't seem to phase me.
Except for that one point when I actually thought out loud, "I have no idea
what I'm doing." You don't want to hear your hairdresser say that. Two beautiful haircuts later, I don't know what in the
world I was thinking. More importantly, I don't know what they were
thinking letting me handle scissors near their face
Sarah Gray and I when she came to visit me! |